Adding a Tile to Sharepoint home page

Delegated administrators do not usually have access to clients’ Office 365 front ends like Sharepoint and OneDrive. This is in keeping with conventional network administrator server room working practices. However, OneDrive and Sharepoint are collaborative tools, and clients may want delegated administrators to have access to OneDrive folders and Sharepoint libraries or lists.

Provided that Sharepoint permissions are established to share content to external users, site owners can invite delegated administrators to share OneDrive Folders, and when Sharepoint libraries are similarly shared, delegated administrators can add a link to their Sharepoint “Sites” home page which attaches to a tile. This is an alternative to saving the Sharepoint site in brower favourites, and is a more secure solution.

To add a site/tile to your Sharepoint home page:

1. Make a note of the target site that has already been shared to you. The url may be available in the invitation sent by the ite owner, or you can copy the url when you visit the target site by following through an invitation from your browser navigation bar.

2. Login to your instance of OWA, and go to Sites.

3. Above the tiles on the left margin of your browser on your Sites home page, you should see a link called “MANAGE the promoted sites below”. Click the link open.

4. Where a new tile appears, click “add a new site”, and complete the fields with the target site url and any customization you need. Tile images default to 150×150, and the tile size can be changed using css.

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