Outlook templates
Resend Message tool for email templates
<Resend message> is an easy method for creating and managing email templates in Outlook.
Template tools are not intuitively easy to organize in Outlook and require detailed knowledge. One option is to use Signatures to manage templates. Signatures can be inconvenient too when you want to save a longer of standardised emails this way.
Instead, use <Resend Message> to build a library of standard form emails to improve efficiency.
Click on the headers below to find how to use this option.
About Resend message utility
To use <Resend message> in Outlook open a previously sent email. Then, using <Resend message> Outlook strips the email headers from the original email leaving you with a draft email and subject header which only needs a new email address adding to it. before sending or scheduling as normal.
You can copy emails that you want to save as templates this way to a folder which you could, for instance, call Templates. Also, you could use Outlook Categories to tag emails in Sent Items as templates.
Use Resend Message in Advanced Options
Use Resend Message using More Options
Outlook can be difficult to use at face value for some tasks like templates. Partly, this is because larger organizations rely on IT deparatments to automate functions like templates at a server level so that staff have ready-made presets.
Those same tools are available in smaller business that use Microsoft 365/Exchange/Outlook. In smaller businesses, staff tend to have to do more for themselves because server level presets are not usually deployed.
Using <Resend message> is the simplest of Outlook’s desktop options for creating and managing templates.